Stuart Lifestyle Photographer | A day in the life session

Stuart Lifestyle Photographer


Stuart Lifestyle Photographer | A day in the life session

So, here is the deal.  I love portrait sessions.  I love capturing different milestones and celebrations that are preserved for years to come.  But, I also know that most memories lie in the everyday.  And with kids, the everyday changes so quickly.  One moment we are wondering if we will every make it through the newborn stage and late night feedings to only be catapulted to toddler hood and the ever challenging teen years.  It literally flies by.  I do not want to forget the every day.  Wiping faces after our favorite meal, watching our favorite movie for the hundredth time, family game time, or bedtime tuck-ins.  Those moments are where the “remember when you used to……” are found.

This is where lifestyle photography comes in.  It is not wearing your best clothes, in the best light, in the best location kind of session.  It is documenting the beauty of your everyday.  These are the moments that our kids remember the most.  I come in and, well, try to be unseen and capture your day as it unfolds.  I will admit, this was a little new for me.  I love the result!  These images show me how beautiful everyday life is.

Stuart Lifestyle SessionIt was early, and my presence was very obvious.  She was not so sure at this point.

Stuart Lifestyle SessionStuart Lifestyle SessionStuart Lifestyle SessionStuart Lifestyle SessionStuart Lifestyle SessionStuart Lifestyle SessionPort St. Lucie Lifestyle SessionShe was starting to dig me:))

Port St. Lucie Lifestyle SessionDid not have to do much for this guy.  He was not shy.  We kept reminding him to pretend I wasn’t there.  Oh well, how could he resist?  He is a ham and certainly not shy around the camera and kept me laughing!

Port St. Lucie Lifestyle SessionPort St. Lucie Lifestyle SessionBecause it is always better to drink with a spoon.

Port St. Lucie Lifestyle SessionLifestyle PhotographyLike father like son….

Documentary PhotographyLifestyle PhotographyDocumentary PhotographyLifestyle photographyDocumentary PhotographyStuart PhotographerPort St. Lucie Life Style SessionTreasure Coast Portrait PhotographerStuart Lifestyle PhotographerPort St. Lucie Portrait PhotographerStuart Lifestyle PhotographerPort St. Lucie Life Style SessionLifestyle PhotographyHe was tempted to squirt me.  He faked me out and started spraying the water my way, but did not get me.

Port St. Lucie Life Style SessionPort St. Lucie Life Style SessionYeah, it isn’t plugged in.  Don’t tell her that!

Jensen Beach Lifestyle PhotographerYou could say was was finally cool with me being there!

Jensen Beach PhotographerJensen Beach PhotographerPort St. Lucie Life Style SessionStuart PhotographerPort St. Lucie PhotographerPort St. Lucie Life Style SessionStuart PhotographerStuart Portrait PhotographerStuart Family PhotographerThis momma does it all.  Home cooked meals, sews, and homeschools her kiddos.  Oh, and she’s a pastor’s wife.  Yep, one busy momma!

Port St. Lucie Family PhotographerWhen I mean the everyday stuff, I meant it.  Lightbulb went out, so it had to be changed.

Stuart Family PhotographerThis boy speaks lego!

Port St. Lucie PhotographerAnd star wars legos too!

Stuart PhotographerStuart PhotographerStuart Documentary PhotographerLifestyle SessionStuart Lifestyle PhotographerPort St. Lucie Family Photographer


Thank you for allowing me to get a peek into your family.  You guys are awesome and amazing parents!

xoxo ~Krista


Krista Browning Photography currently serves the following areas:

Vero Beach, Ft. Pierce, Okeechobee, Port St. Lucie, Jensen Beach, Stuart, Palm City,

Hobe Sound, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, and West Palm Beach.

I am (more than:) willing to travel. Get in touch via the contact form, I can not wait to hear from you!

*Please do not inquire by commenting below on post as I do not see these right away.

  1. Stephanie says:

    What an adorable family. I love the one where the little girl is using the unplugged controller. So cute!

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